Two days ago, my parents came to visit me on the river bringing things that I realized I needed and taking away those things that were just weighing me down. Lucky for me in the exchange I got a tent because it was storming last night for the first time since I have been on this trip. I got off the water around eight at Duffy campground struck up a conversation with a married couple, got a place to park my tent, food and a shower. People in general have been very nice on the river. Wes is a sheet metal worker and his wife Kim is a home maker. They come to the river on the weekends to stay in their RV and relax. I think I will be getting a late start today as all my stuff is wet from the down pour last night. Also I woke up this morning and some of my fingers were numb. I have been rowing pretty hard and my fingers have been really sore and stiff but never numb. That was a sign to take it easy today. So I woke up late, ate some bacon and eggs with Wes and Kim. Washed some of my clothes and in general, charged my batteries. Thank god for the kindness of strangers. I don't need it to survive but it makes the trip that much nicer.