Leaving that day was not as easy as getting in the boat and rowing away. I had to make it over to the channel that was a mile upstream and a mile across the water. To do this crossing, I would have to pull the boat at least two miles upstream to account for downward drift. It meant pulling, pushing and paddling from the front of the canoe with my canoe paddle. Being covered in cob webs and sweating in temperatures that are well over a hundred degrees, it took me four hours to move the two and a half miles upstream. Though it was worth it because when I did make the crossing everything went off without a hitch. Thank god for duct tape...never leave home without it!
This blog chronicles my canoeing adventure. I am canoeing from western Pennsylvania all the way to New Orleans down the great rivers of America. As part of this journey, I am partnering with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to help raise funds for Parkinson's Disease research.