I was rowing along on my way to Memphis when I saw a kayaker off in the distance. I immediately thought Harry Swanson, the 65 year old man that had just taken a week off, had already caught up with me. I was amazed, but as they came closer I realized this wasn't Harry. The first kayaker that paddled up to me had long dready hair and was all smiles. He, like me, was happy to see someone else on the river. Eventually, I met the rest of his crew. There were four of them all together: Bowman, David, Rob and Max, the camera man. I was amazed to hear how fast they were moving. These guys were doing 60 miles a day with almost two hours of breaks. That settled it for me. If I was ever going to do the Mississippi again, I would have to take a kayak. They were raising money for homeless people in Mississippi; all three of them were from Mississippi and went to school there. They were all about 22 or 23 years old. Max was studying to become a priest, and they were all very religious. When I heard that, I was kind of surprised considering their dready appearance. Though it sunk in to me at morning bible time that ended with a little prayer circle. I hope it helps me get to Memphis safely. If you want to check out their site and their trip down the Mississippi, it is awakeinthecurrent.com.