Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First lock in the Huntington District

I have moved out of the Pittsburgh district after today's thunderstorms.  Some people have express interest in the locking procedures.  So I thought I would take a couple pics and describe how it goes.  You approach the lock and on the far wall; there is a rope there to pull.  That rope sounds a bell and the lock master knows you are there.  Though most of the time, I just call ahead because it is hard for me to move the canoe in tight quarters.  They then signal you with a green light and one loud whistle blow.  You then proceed into the lock and to a mooring station.  Most of the locks on the Ohio have floating moorings as are in the photo.  So all you need to have is a couple feet of rope.  The locks on the Allegheny and the first couple on the Ohio just had hooks at to top so you had to have like 75 feet of rope.  Well anyways, after you are tied up the lock master begins to drop the water and ten minutes later you are on your way.  Ten to twenty feet lower.  The lock masters are always happy to see me and lock me through.  I definitely break the routine of just locking through barges.  Sometimes I get the best info from the lock master on where to stay, which streams are good and where not to go.  They are wonderful resources and also break the routine of my day.  Thanks goes out to the lock master that gave me the info on the storm three days ago.  I would never have got off the river in time with out you!