Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mile 666 , it's hot as hell

For the last couple of days, I have been waking up wet and going to sleep wet.  It hasn't rained a drop but I have been sweating so much in this 95+ degree heat I am wet all the time.  Even when relaxing in the shade I sweat.  There is no escaping the heat.  I drink three gallons of water a day and still my urine is yellow.  Rowing today, I thought of the galley slaves back in ancient days.  That experience must have been similar to mine.  Only I am my own task master and I am very easy on myself.  During the day when I am looking down at the water in my boat, I wonder how much is my sweat and how much is coming from the pinhole leek that mysteriously appeared in my boat around Louisville.  No joke; I sweat so much that bugs are drowning on my body.  I killed a hoard of gnats that way.  I wonder how much sweat it would take to start killing mosquitoes?  That would be good day.  Who knows, maybe I will find out once I get down South.